Category Archives: smitten kitchen

Chocolate Chip Cookies Part Deux


I know Corbett has already brought the age old favorite to the blog…but we all know one can never have too many chocolate chip cookies.

Sweet A wanted to try her hand at making cookies when we were stuck home watching a blizzard rage outside.  She searched the internet for a recipe and, I will admit, I steered her to my favorite and most reliable site.

I was her assistant, answering questions, helping retrieve ingredients, and handling the oven.  After testing the first batch, the only game time adjustment I made was to add just a pinch more kosher salt.  That was the ticket.


We had smiles all around.  And there’s not much better than a Sweet A smile.  Just like Corbett braved the below zero temperatures for his cookie delight, I would have gone out in the 50 mph winds for this one.
